Department of Physical Education and Sport


!Sport sections

Badminton – coach Yaroslav Bragin

A sport in which players are located on opposite sides of a space separated by a net and throws the shuttlecock over the net with racket strikes, trying to “land” the shuttlecock on the opponent’s side and, conversely, not to fall on their own field. Two players or two pairs of players compete (couples can be not only of the same sex, but also mixed – a man and a woman).

!Sport sections



Basketball – coachs Viktor Osipov, Olena Tserkovna

Basketball is an olympic complex coordinational sport which provide harmonic development of a player. A sportsman cover up to 7 km, execute up to 150 boosts and as many jumps during a game. He pumps over his all main functional systems, develop his endurance, his ability operatively evaluate a situation, instantly make a decision, an ability to interact with other players, an ability to fight till the end, an ability to control oneself, an ability to support his partners. It is a whole world hidden on a basketball playing field! There is the basketball section in which students and teachers play in KNURE. Training for students take places in two types of basketball groups. Every student can start trainings without prior preparation and receive basic skills or increase existing basic level, take part in contest among groups, faculties, hospices etc in specializational basketball groups. You will be able to defend the honour of our University on municipal, regional and All-Ukrainian contests in sport development groups. Basketball is more than just a game. It’s a life. It will carry you. It will make you heart to beat faster. It will give you a joy, new friends, vivid emotions, might, self-reliance. It will make your life saturated. It will show you new verges of yourself! We invite everybody to join our big basketball team of KNURE!

!Sport sections



Sambo – coach George Krukovsky

The international form of martial arts, as well as a comprehensive system of self-defense. In Sambo, it is allowed to use throws, restraints and painful tricks on the arms and legs. Throws can be done with the help of arms, legs and torso.

!Sport sections



Boxing – coach Roman Hromih

Contact sport in which punches are allowed only with fists and only in special gloves.

!Sport sections



Powerlifting, Heavy Athletic, Arm Wrestling, Weight-Lifting – coachs Natalia Didyuk, Lyubov Derkach

Powerlifting     Power sport, the essence of which is to overcome the resistance of the most heavy weight for an athlete.

Heavy Athletic     Olympic sport, based on the implementation of exercises to lift the bar above his head.

Armsport     The kind of struggle on the hands between the two participants. During a match, competing hands of the same name are placed on a hard, flat surface (usually a table), and the palms are locked in a lock. The task of the competing armwrestler is to press the opponent’s hand to the surface.

Weight-lifting     Cyclic sport, which is based on lifting weights as many times as possible in a given period of time in a standing position.

!Sport sections



Athletics – coach Tetiana Zakhvatova

Olympic sport, including running, cross-country, jumping and throwing.

!Sport sections



Football – coach Valerii Lysakevych

A team sport in which the goal is to score a ball into the opponent’s goal with feet or other parts of the body (except hands) more times than the opposing team.

!Sport sections



Volleyball – coachs Dmitry Konovalov

A team sport game in which two teams compete on a special platform divided by a net, aiming to direct the ball to the opponent’s side so that it lands on the opponent’s court.

!Sport sections



Tennis – coach Tetiana Zakhvatova

The task of the opponents is to send the ball to the opponent’s side with the help of the rackets so that he could not repel it, no more than after the first ball fell on the playing field on the opponent’s half.

!Sport sections



Table tennis – coachs Oksana Konovalenko, Olga Tovstoplet

Olympic sport, a sports ball game in which they use special rackets and a game table, demarcated by a net in half. The task of the players is to keep the ball in play with the help of the rackets – each player after one bounce of the ball in his half of the table must send the ball to half of the opponent’s table.

!Sport sections



Martial Arts – coach Andrii Lytvynenko

Various percussion martial arts, the rules of which allowed punches and kicks.

!Sport sections



Chess and checkers – coach Gregory Kiktev

Chess     Board logic game with special figures on a 64-cell board for two rivals.

Checkers     A logical board game for two players, which consists of moving checkers in a certain way through checkerboard cells. During the game, each player has checkers of the same color: black or white. The goal of the game is to take all the opponent’s checkers or to deprive them of the possibility of a move.

!Sport sections



Aerobics – coachs Olena Kriventsova, Svetlana Semashko

Gymnastics, consisting of aerobic exercises under the rhythmic music that helps to monitor the rhythm of the exercises.

!Sport sections



Dance aerobics – coach Olena Prisich

Classes are held to the music of a dance in a fast pace.

!Sport sections



Tourism – coachs Vladimir Sukharev, Elena Babich

Many sports tourists also engage in related sports: orienteering, climbing, mountaineering.

!Sport sections



Swimming – coach Galina Sidorenko

The sport is to swim by swimming for the shortest time of various distances.

!Sport sections



Special medical group – Victoria Ganshina, Natalia Orshatska

The main tasks of physical education of the SMG group are: health promotion, sustainable compensation for violations caused by diseases. Promoting proper physical development, increasing body resistance. Mastering the complexes of special exercises that are beneficial to the body, taking into account the existing disease.

!Sport sections