The First Spring Online Chess Tournament Has Been Held
The First Spring Online Chess Tournament dedicated to International March 8 Day was held at KNURE! The tournament was held according to the Swiss system on the online platform lichess.
40 students registered to participate in the Tournament. Number of rounds – 9, break between rounds – 30 seconds.
Time control (5 minutes until the end of the game, with an increment of 3 seconds per move) – lightning chess. Scoring:
1 – win,
0.5 – draw,
0 – loss.
If the players have an equal number of points, an additional tiebreak indicator is used to distribute places in the tournament table – the total number of points of the opponents.
In a fierce battle in the overall standings, the places among the students were distributed as follows:
1st place – Daniil Safonov, group KIUKI-24-2.
2nd place – Arina Pechnikova, group MI-24-1.
3rd place – Ivan Vinnikov, group ITSHI-23-1.
Among women:
1st place – Arina Pechnikova, group MI-24-1.
2nd place – Daria Nikiforova, group ESTM-22-1
Big thanks to the captain of the KNURE National Chess Team – Yaroslav Ship, group ITINF-24-1 for his help in organizing and holding the Tournament!