Department of Physical Education and Sport


The First Spring Online Chess Tournament Has Been Held

The First Spring Online Chess Tournament dedicated to International March 8 Day was held at KNURE! The tournament was held according to the Swiss system on the online platform lichess.
40 students registered to participate in the Tournament. Number of rounds – 9, break between rounds – 30 seconds.
Time control (5 minutes until the end of the game, with an increment of 3 seconds per move) – lightning chess. Scoring:
1 – win,
0.5 – draw,
0 – loss.
If the players have an equal number of points, an additional tiebreak indicator is used to distribute places in the tournament table – the total number of points of the opponents.
In a fierce battle in the overall standings, the places among the students were distributed as follows:
1st place – Daniil Safonov, group KIUKI-24-2.
2nd place – Arina Pechnikova, group MI-24-1.
3rd place – Ivan Vinnikov, group ITSHI-23-1.
Among women:
1st place – Arina Pechnikova, group MI-24-1.
2nd place – Daria Nikiforova, group ESTM-22-1
Big thanks to the captain of the KNURE National Chess Team – Yaroslav Ship, group ITINF-24-1 for his help in organizing and holding the Tournament!

The First Spring Online Chess Tournament Has Been Held The First Spring Online Chess Tournament Has Been Held The First Spring Online Chess Tournament Has Been Held The First Spring Online Chess Tournament Has Been Held