From October 16 to October 19, the competitions of the 20th Ukrainian Goju-Ryu Karate Championship were held in Odessa, in which the students of KNURE took part in the national team of the Kharkov region: Veronika Roshka, Julia Gladskikh and Veronika Govorova. In stubborn, sparkling fights with the best karate women of Ukraine, our athletes showed high technical and tactical skill and unbending character that is always inherent in the students of the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics. The result of the performance at the Championship was the gold medal of Veronica Roshka and the silver medals of Yulia Gladsky and Veronica Govorova. Having become gold and silver medalists, they secured a place in the national team of Ukraine and began preparing for participation in international competitions. The athletes were prepared for the competition by Andrei Litvinenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, and Georgy Krukovsky, senior teacher.